Is makeup the way only way for a woman to stay beautiful? How often must one cover her face with foundations, Concealers, blushes, mascaras and so on only to stay beautiful.  I think about these questions a lot and as a matter of fact, it is men that get these taught running through my head. In my opinion, wearing makeups are not that bad a thing to do but seem it has become the only way for women now to stay beautiful. They wear it to work, school, hospital, dinners, parties everywhere even at home, why because they are afraid to show their imperfection which reduces their beauty come to talk of the black spots, the pores, oily faces, pimples among others make it difficult to go out without wearing makeup.  Well today episode on hold beauty stay healthy will share three ways to keep your face looking fresh without wearing makeup.

Exfoliate once or twice a week
Exfoliation cleans off dead skin cells from your face leaving the face looking fresh and radiant. Personally, I exfoliate once a week and I do that by boiling water but I make sure is not too hot, I get the steam closer to my face for about a minute then I scrub off with a clean towel with care, don’t be hard on the skin. Another way is wash your face with a warn water then you clean it with a towel. Do this and your face will look radiant without a wearing makeup.

Wear moisturizer daily
To keep the face glowing, one must apply moisturizers. Personally, I have an oily face so I always go for gentle moisturizers (mostly go for Nivea moisturizer), why? because you have to get a moisturizer that will suit your skin type. So, to people with dry skin you get something stronger like moisturizers with aloe-vera and shea butter. Applying moisturizers on your face after washing helps to get the face smother and always glowing. With this you can go out looking beautiful without makeup.

Wipe off your makeup
Lots of people wear makeup for long hours and yet still sleep in them. Always remove your makeup when you get home. Sleeping in your makeup overnight can clog or bung up pores that will lead to pimples. You can clean your makeup with moist wipes like the ones for babies or wash it off with a mild soap and wipe clean with a towel. Do this and you will always have a clean and spotless face.

You can leave your comments and questions and they will be answered. 


  1. I have not been a fan of makeup but it is good for the cameras... A piece worth reading...

  2. I wear makeup on special occasions...... Not always like some do.....natural looks are always the best.

  3. Gud to know about beauty tips


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